My Candy Love: Alternate Life – Armin’s Episode 5 Guide (100 Continue)

As a note, on nearly all “Towards Illustrations” options, they’re definitely not all required, but likely some minimum needed to hit about being positive about the game. I have gotten the illustrations without picking all of them, but for convenience, I’ve listed all the “nice” answers regardless.

These guides should not be reposted off the website. If you translate it, please link back.

– Negative result for LOM
/ Neutral result for LOM
+ Positive result for LOM

Any without one of the symbols above means I don’t know. However, LoM is actually defaulted to 0 in Alternate Life (it does not affect your main LoM at all).

Action Points used: ~650-800
Illustrations: 2. You need to pick the right dialogue choicea. You can only get one per route.

Money: $195 for each Outfit

Outfits: 2 – Depending on if you pick Mage or Knight. Outfits are two different color variants, each with a different weapon. Which you pick is not required for the Illustration.

Fairy Gift: Gaming Chair
AP Used: 20AP

You can find Auntie at Countreeside before you head into the Cave.

The episode kicks off with a timeskip, as usual. Candy is in Armin’s apartment already when he gets home. She also confirms she is working at the Cafe in this route and they are trying to find a new apartment to move into together.

Armin: Of what I want us to do with our weekend, rather: it’s a co-op game!

• (I forced a smile. That’s not really what I had in mind…) /
• (I smiled. Spending the weekend playing a game could only do me a lot of good!) / ⬅ Towards Illustrations

• There’s no title screen? No menu, nothing…? /
• I see, straight to the point! Perfect! / ⬅ Towards Illustrations

Armin: No, choose the character you prefer, I’ll take the other one!

• Very well! I’ll take the mage, if that’s okay with you. /
• Okay! I’ll take the knight, if that’s okay with you. /

Which you end up picking will determine your outfit color (Red if Knight, Blue if Mage) and weapon (Sword or Staff). You will buy your outfit and then the game will begin.

Armin: This is a pretty big responsibility…

• This is mostly long… Do you think we’re going to start playing soon? /
• Shh! We are the only ones who can do it, we’re going to do it! / ⬅ Towards Illustrations

Deraim: Adventurers! Do you accept this noble and dangerous quest?

• Come on, Armin, we have to say yes! It’s obvious we’re their only hope! / ⬅ Towards Illustrations
• Do you think we can refuse? It sounds complicated. /

Deraim: After that, I’ll give you the KEY to the TOMB OF THE LOST PATHS.

• Perfect! That’ll get us warmed up for saving the world! / ⬅ Towards Illustrations
• Is he serious?! He just told us the world is in danger! /

If you pick: • Is he serious?! He just told us the world is in danger!:

Armin: If we start directly by saving the world, we won’t feel like we’ve progressed…

• Hahaha! With a task like that we won’t have any trouble feeling like we’ve progressed! / ⬅ Towards Illustrations
• Okay. If we don’t have the choice… /

Armin: So, how do you want to do this? You get the ones in the tomatoes, and I’ll get the ones in the pumpkins?

• Hahaha! As if I’m going to leave you half! ⬅ Towards Proposal
• I don’t know… They’re kind of cute, don’t you think? I don’t really want to kill them… / ⬅ Towards NSFW

If you picked • Hahaha! As if I’m going to leave you half!:

Armin: The mayor will be able to make good soups thanks to us!

• Let’s go see him, actually: we don’t have all night.
• I think we’re off to a great start! / ⬅ Towards Proposal

If you picked • I don’t know… They’re kind of cute, don’t you think? I don’t really want to kill them…:
Candy will pause from the game to make Armin his usual, a Cappuccino, and herself a drink. He finishes off the Rats alone and after a cute scene and some dialogue between them, Candy gets back to the game with this dialogue choice:

• Alright, let’s go! We’ve got this! / ⬅ Towards Illustrations
• Do I have time to finish my macchiato? /

Armin: Good. Are you ready to face a labyrinth “full of monsters and traps”?

• I’m more than ready! I can’t wait! / ⬅ Towards Proposal
• I’d like to take a short break, before we go in. / ⬅ Towards NSFW

If you pick to take a break, you’ll have some more dialogue where Candy gets more coffee and some snacks and more cute romantic moments.

Before heading into the labyrinth, head back to COUNTREESIDE to find Auntie and get a Gaming Chair. Then just head back to the other map to continue with the episode.

Armin: We could try… What do you think?

• Frankly, as you like. Go ahead. We can try to run, we’ll find out faster. / ⬅ Towards Illustrations
• That sounds a little far-fetched. Let’s be cautious. /

Armin: What do you think we’re supposed to do?

• We should stay together. Splitting up can’t be a good idea. /
• Let’s keep things simple: we each take the path of our color. /
• We each take the path of the opposite color? Complementarity, all that…? / ⬅ Correct Answer, towards Proposal

If you pick the correct answer, you get this choice:

• We are truly outstanding adventurers! / ⬅ Towards Illustrations
• It’s too easy, it’s not even funny! /

If you pick either of the other two, you will get Game Over and this choice:
Armin: If water doesn’t work on water, nor fire on fire, by switching…

• But that’s stupid: that water magic hurts fire elementals, okay, but the other way around?
• Yeah! It should work! We’ll show them, those filthy beasts! /

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door and Nathaniel is here with food.

Armin: Poor Nath lost a bet… Again…

• I hope it’s not the same kind of bet that you make with me…? / with Nathaniel, +5 with Armin ⬅ Towards NSFW
• Can I bet too? We could have twice as many burgers! / with Nathaniel, / with Armin ⬅ Towards Proposal
• You really made him cross the whole city?! / with Nathaniel, -5 with Armin

• You can watch us play a bit, if you want. / with Nathaniel, / with Armin
• Emotional blackmail won’t work with me, you’ll have to wait your turn! / with Nathaniel, +5 with Armin ⬅ Towards Illustrations
• Come on, I feel sorry for you. Take my spot for a while, if you want! / with Nathaniel, -5 with Armin

Regardless, Nathaniel doesn’t stay long. You’ll get back to the game after a bit more dialogue.

• You can tell your friend that his labyrinth is a great success! / ⬅ Towards Illustrations
• Tell your friend that his labyrinth is discouraging! /

Ephraim Dred: Why didn’t I listen better to the BLIND ORACLE’s warning?!

• Hahaha! This is great! / ⬅ Towards Illustrations
• Yeah, alright, we understand, it’s good, now die! /

Armin: In my opinion we finished the game, there’s no longer any danger.

• Alright, fine, let’s get this over with!
• Great! I’ll open it now! ⬅ TOWARDS PROPOSAL ILLUSTRATION
• If there is no more danger, I have another idea, to… celebrate our victory… ⬅ TOWARDS NSFW ILLUSTRATION

If you open it:

Candy will say how it’s a bit lackluster as there’s not much in the chest. She’ll then realize Armin is proposing and say yes. If you have enough LoM and picked the correct answers, you’ll get the Proposal Illustration.

There is then a fake out end of episode that then jump cuts to Armin and Nathaniel playing through the game before Armin asks Nathaniel to be his best man. He says yes and the episode ends.

For having a successful proposal, you will also receive the Engagement Ring, if you haven’t received it previously. It is the same one that is given out in Love Life so it may be multiple pages back in your Accessories section in your closet.

If you decide to not open the chest and suggest celebrating a different way:

Candy will take off her headset and sit on Armin’s lap.

Armin: We just have to open the chest…

• You said there was no more danger, we have plenty of time. / ⬅ NSFW Illustration
• You’re right, we have to finish saving the world! /
• Okay. I’ll open the chest. And then… /

If you followed it, you should then get the NSFW scene. The episode ends after it with no proposal (So, the game is finished off-screen, if at all) or return of Nathaniel.

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