Welcome to my Animal Crossing: New Horizons Information Page :) This is pretty much a summary of my progress in the game to go along with my gameplay logs and Youtube Playthrough. My town’s list of Nook Mile Items can be found over here.

Island Name: Pink Sea
Embarked on: March 19th, 2020
Title: Seashore Princess
Dream Address: DA-2045-8323-2479
Happy Home Network ID: RA-5367-6995-4315
Town Fruit: Cherry
Town Flower: Lily
Other fruits gotten: Peach, Pear, Apple, Orange, Coconuts
Other flowers gotten: I have at least one of each of every flower in each color.
Facilities Unlocked: Nook’s Cranny, the Museum, Able Sisters
K.K. Slider’s First Concert: April 1st, 2020
DJ K.K.’s First Concert: November 15th, 2021
NookPhone Apps: Camera, Nook Miles+, Critterpedia, DIY Recipes, Nook Shopping, Island Designer, Custom Designs, Map, Chat Log, Passport, Best Friends List, ! Rescue Service
Crafting Recipes: All 922
Catalog: Completed!
Museum: Completed!
Nook Miles Progress: See below for details!
Reactions: Only missing all Cranky ones and the best friend ones for Lazy and Smug Villagers.
Patterns from Sable: Polka-dot print, Striped, Checkered 1, Checkered 2, Traditional 1, Traditional 2, Retro, Natural, Toys, Cool
Happy Home Paradise Vacation Houses done: 30+ (specifics coming soon)

Happy Home Network Page

Nook Link version



Last updated April 10th, 2022
Dream Villagers still to go: All gotten!
Moved in March 19th, 2020: Mira, Teddy
Moved in March 30th, 2020: Merengue ✨
Moved in March 31st, 2020: Cookie ✨
Moved in April 1st, 2020: Flurry ✨
Moved in April 2nd, 2020: Judy ✨
Moved in April 23rd, 2020: Marina ✨
Moved in May 16th, 2020: Diana ✨
Moved in June 7th, 2020: Maple ✨
Moved in July 12th, 2020: Peanut ✨
Past Villagers: Audie (March 23rd, 2020-April 22nd, 2020), Alfonso (Mach 22nd, 2020-May 14th, 2020), Phil (March 29th, 2020-June 5th, 2020), Margie (March 24th, 2020-July 10th, 2020)
✨ = Dream Villager
Wish list
Image | Name | Variant/Color |
![]() | Any DIY Recipes I don't have! DIY Recipes I need | N/A |
Any furniture/clothing I don't have! | N/A |
Crafting Recipe Progress
Catalog Progress
Museum Progress
Name | Type | Gotten? |
Acanthostega | Fossil | Yes! |
Amber | Fossil | Yes! |
Ammonite | Fossil | Yes! |
Ankylo skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Ankylo tail | Fossil | Yes! |
Ankylo torso | Fossil | Yes! |
Archaeopteryx | Fossil | Yes! |
Archelon skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Archelon tail | Fossil | Yes! |
Australopith | Fossil | Yes! |
Brachio chest | Fossil | Yes! |
Bracho pelvis | Fossil | Yes! |
Brachio skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Brachio tail | Fossil | Yes! |
Corprolite | Fossil | Yes! |
Deinony tail | Fossil | Yes! |
Deinony torso | Fossil | Yes! |
Dimetrodon skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Dimetrodon torso | Fossil | Yes! |
Dinosaur track | Fossil | Yes! |
Diplo chest | Fossil | Yes! |
Diplo Neck | Fossil | Yes! |
Diplo Pelvis | Fossil | Yes! |
Diplo skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Diplo tail | Fossil | Yes! |
Diplo tail tip | Fossil | Yes! |
Dunkleosteus | Fossil | Yes! |
Eusthenopteron | Fossil | Yes! |
Iguanodon skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Iguanodon tail | Fossil | Yes! |
Iguanodon torso | Fossil | Yes! |
Juramaia | Fossil | Yes! |
Left megalo side | Fossil | Yes! |
Left quetzal wing | Fossil | Yes! |
Left ptera wing | Fossil | Yes! |
Mammoth skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Mammoth torso | Fossil | Yes! |
Megacero skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Megacero Tail | Fossil | Yes! |
Megacero torso | Fossil | Yes! |
Myllokunmingia | Fossil | Yes! |
Ophthalmo skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Ophthalmo Torso | Fossil | Yes! |
Pachy skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Pachy tail | Fossil | Yes! |
Parasaur skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Parasaur tail | Fossil | Yes! |
Parasaur torso | Fossil | Yes! |
Plesio Body | Fossil | Yes! |
Plesio Skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Plesio Tail | Fossil | Yes! |
Ptera body | Fossil | Yes! |
Quetzal torso | Fossil | Yes! |
Right megalo side | Fossil | Yes! |
Right ptera wing | Fossil | Yes! |
Right quetzal wing | Fossil | Yes! |
Sabertooth skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Sabertooth tail | Fossil | Yes! |
Shark-tooth pattern | Fossil | Yes! |
Spino skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Spino tail | Fossil | Yes! |
Spino torso | Fossil | Yes! |
Stego Skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Stego Tail | Fossil | Yes! |
Stego torso | Fossil | Yes! |
T. Rex skull | Fossil | Yes! |
T. Rex tail | Fossil | Yes! |
T. Rex torso | Fossil | Yes! |
Tricera skull | Fossil | Yes! |
Tricera torso | Fossil | Yes! |
Tricera tail | Fossil | Yes! |
Trilobite | Fossil | Yes! |
Common Butterfly | Insects | Yes! |
Yellow Butterfly | Insects | Yes! |
Tiger Butterfly | Insects | Yes! |
Peacock Butterfly | Insects | Yes! |
Common bluebottle | Insects | Yes! |
Paper kite butterfly | Insects | Yes! |
Great Purple Emperor | Insects | Yes! |
Monarch Butterfly | Insects | Yes! |
Emperor Butterfly | Insects | Yes! |
Agrias butterfly | Insects | Yes! |
Rajah Brooke's birdwing | Insects | Yes! |
Queen Alexandra's birdwing | Insects | Yes! |
Moth | Insects | Yes! |
Atlas moth | Insects | Yes! |
Madagascan sunset moth | Insects | Yes! |
Long locust | Insects | Yes! |
Migratory locust | Insects | Yes! |
Rice grasshopper | Insects | Yes! |
Grasshopper | Insects | Yes! |
Cricket | Insects | Yes! |
Bell cricket | Insects | Yes! |
Mantis | Insects | Yes! |
Orchid mantis | Insects | Yes! |
Honeybee | Insects | Yes! |
Wasp | Insects | Yes! |
Brown Cicada | Insects | Yes! |
Robust Cicada | Insects | Yes! |
Giant Cicada | Insects | Yes! |
Walker Cicada | Insects | Yes! |
Evening Cicada | Insects | Yes! |
Cicada Shell | Insects | Yes! |
Red dragonfly | Insects | Yes! |
Darner dragonfly | Insects | Yes! |
Banded dragonfly | Insects | Yes! |
Damselfly | Insects | Yes! |
Firefly | Insects | Yes! |
Mole cricket | Insects | Yes! |
Pondskater | Insects | Yes! |
Diving beetle | Insects | Yes! |
Giant water bug | Insects | Yes! |
Stinkbug | Insects | Yes! |
Man-faced stink bug | Insects | Yes! |
Ladybug | Insects | Yes! |
Tiger beetle | Insects | Yes! |
Jewel beetle | Insects | Yes! |
Violin beetle | Insects | Yes! |
Cirtrus long-honed beetle | Insects | Yes! |
Rosalia batesi beetle | Insects | Yes! |
Blue Weevil beetle | Insects | Yes! |
Dung beetle | Insects | Yes! |
Earth-boring dung beetle | Insects | Yes! |
Scarab beetle | Insects | Yes! |
Drone beetle | Insects | Yes! |
Goliath beetle | Insects | Yes! |
Saw stag | Insects | Yes! |
Miyama stag | Insects | Yes! |
Giant stag | Insects | Yes! |
Rainbow stag | Insects | Yes! |
Cyclommatus Stag | Insects | Yes! |
Golden stag | Insects | Yes! |
Giraffe stag | Insects | Yes! |
Horned Dynastid | Insects | Yes! |
Horned Atlas | Insects | Yes! |
Horned Elephant | Insects | Yes! |
Horned Hercules | Insects | Yes! |
Walking stick | Insects | Yes! |
Walking Leaf | Insects | Yes! |
Bagworm | Insects | Yes! |
Ant | Insects | Yes! |
Hermit crab | Insects | Yes! |
Wharf roach | Insects | Yes! |
Fly | Insects | Yes! |
Mosquito | Insects | Yes! |
Flea | Insects | Yes! |
Snail | Insects | Yes! |
Pill bug | Insects | Yes! |
Centipede | Insects | Yes! |
Spider | Insects | Yes! |
Tarantula | Insects | Yes! |
Scorpion | Insects | Yes! |
Bitterling | Fish | Yes! |
Pale chub | Fish | Yes! |
Crucian carp | Fish | Yes! |
Dace | Fish | Yes! |
Carp | Fish | Yes! |
Koi | Fish | Yes! |
Goldfish | Fish | Yes! |
Pop-eyed goldfish | Fish | Yes! |
Ranchu goldfish | Fish | Yes! |
Killifish | Fish | Yes! |
Crawfish | Fish | Yes! |
Soft-shelled turtle | Fish | Yes! |
Snapping turtle | Fish | Yes! |
Tadpole | Fish | Yes! |
Frog | Fish | Yes! |
Freshwater goby | Fish | Yes! |
Loach | Fish | Yes! |
Catfish | Fish | Yes! |
Giant Snakehead | Fish | Yes! |
Bluegill | Fish | Yes! |
Yellow perch | Fish | Yes! |
Black bass | Fish | Yes! |
Tilapia | Fish | Yes! |
Pike | Fish | Yes! |
Pond smelt | Fish | Yes! |
Sweetfish | Fish | Yes! |
Cherry salmon | Fish | Yes! |
Char | Fish | Yes! |
Golden trout | Fish | Yes! |
Stringfish | Fish | Yes! |
Salmon | Fish | Yes! |
King salmon | Fish | Yes! |
Mitten crab | Fish | Yes! |
Guppy | Fish | Yes! |
Nibble fish | Fish | Yes! |
Angelfish | Fish | Yes! |
Betta | Fish | Yes! |
Neon tetra | Fish | Yes! |
Rainbowfish | Fish | Yes! |
Piranha | Fish | Yes! |
Arowana | Fish | Yes! |
Dorado | Fish | Yes! |
Gar | Fish | Yes! |
Arapaima | Fish | Yes! |
Saddled bichir | Fish | Yes! |
Sturgeon | Fish | Yes! |
Sea butterfly | Fish | Yes! |
Sea horse | Fish | Yes! |
Clown fish | Fish | Yes! |
Surgeonfish | Fish | Yes! |
Butterfly fish | Fish | Yes! |
Napoleonfish | Fish | Yes! |
Zebra turkeyfish | Fish | Yes! |
Blowfish | Fish | Yes! |
Puffer fish | Fish | Yes! |
Anchovy | Fish | Yes! |
Horse mackerel | Fish | Yes! |
Barred knifejaw | Fish | Yes! |
Sea bass | Fish | Yes! |
Red snapper | Fish | Yes! |
Dab | Fish | Yes! |
Olive flounder | Fish | Yes! |
Squid | Fish | Yes! |
Moray eel | Fish | Yes! |
Ribbon eel | Fish | Yes! |
Tuna | Fish | Yes! |
Blue Marlin | Fish | Yes! |
Giant trevally | Fish | Yes! |
Mahi-mahi | Fish | Yes! |
Ocean sunfish | Fish | Yes! |
Ray | Fish | Yes! |
Saw shark | Fish | Yes! |
Hammerhead shark | Fish | Yes! |
Great White shark | Fish | Yes! |
Whale shark | Fish | Yes! |
Suckerfish | Fish | Yes! |
Football fish | Fish | Yes! |
Oarfish | Fish | Yes! |
Barreleye | Fish | Yes! |
Coelacanth | Fish | Yes! |
Academic painting | Art | Yes! |
Amazing Painting | Art | Yes! |
Ancient statue | Art | Yes! |
Basic Painting | Art | Yes! |
Beautiful statue | Art | Yes! |
Calm Painting | Art | Yes! |
Common Painting | Art | Yes! |
Detailed painting | Art | Yes! |
Dynamic Painting | Art | Yes! |
Familiar statue | Art | Yes! |
Famous Painting | Art | Yes! |
Flowery Painting | Art | Yes! |
Gallant statue | Art | Yes! |
Glowing painting | Art | Yes! |
Graceful Painting | Art | Yes! |
Great statue | Art | Yes! |
Informative statue | Art | Yes! |
Jolly Painting | Art | Yes! |
Moody Painting | Art | Yes! |
Motherly statue | Art | Yes! |
Moving Painting | Art | Yes! |
Mysterious painting | Art | Yes! |
Mystic statue | Art | Yes! |
Nice Painting | Art | Yes! |
Perfect Painting | Art | Yes! |
Proper Painting | Art | Yes! |
Quaint Painting | Art | Yes! |
Robust statue | Art | Yes! |
Rock-head statue | Art | Yes! |
Scary Painting | Art | Yes! |
Scenic painting | Art | Yes! |
Serene Painting | Art | Yes! |
Sinking painting | Art | Yes! |
Solemn Painting | Art | Yes! |
Tremendous statue | Art | Yes! |
Twinkling painting | Art | Yes! |
Valiant statue | Art | Yes! |
Warm Painting | Art | Yes! |
Warrior statue | Art | Yes! |
Wild Painting left half | Art | Yes! |
Wild Painting right half | Art | Yes! |
Wistful Painting | Art | Yes! |
Worthy Painting | Art | Yes! |
Seaweed | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Sea grapes | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Sea cucumber | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Sea pig | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Sea star | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Sea urchin | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Slate pencil urchin | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Sea anemone | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Moon jellyfish | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Sea slug | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Pearl oyster | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Mussel | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Oyster | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Scallop | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Whelk | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Turban shell | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Abalone | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Gigas giant clam | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Chambered nautilus | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Octopus | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Umbrella octopus | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Vampire squid | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Firefly squid | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Gazami crab | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Dungeoness crab | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Snow crab | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Red king crab | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Acorn barnacle | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Spider crab | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Tiger prawn | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Sweet shrimp | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Mantis shrimp | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Spiny lobster | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Lobster | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Giant isopod | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Horseshoe crab | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Sea pineapple | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Spotted garden eel | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Flatworm | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Venus' flower basket | Sea Creatures | Yes! |
Nook Miles Progress
Name | What to Do | Progress? |
Pink Sea Miles! | Earn your first miles | Completed! |
Angling for Perfection! | Catch Fish | 3/5 |
Island Ichthyologist | Fill out the Fish section of the Critterpedia | Completed! |
Island Togetherness | Talk to all of your neighbors every day. | Completed! |
You've Got the Bug | Catch bugs | 3/5 |
Bugs Don't Bug Me | Fill out the Bug section of the Critterpedia | Completed! |
Have a Nice DIY! | Collect DIY Recipes | Completed! |
Deep Dive | Dive a lot for creatures | 4/5 |
Underwater Understudy | Fill out the Diving Section of your Critterpedia | Completed! |
DIY Tools | Craft Tools | 4/5 |
DIY Furniture | Craft Furniture | 4/5 |
Furniture Freshener | Customize furniture | Completed! |
Rough-hewn | Chop wood from trees | 4/5 |
Trashed Tools | Use a tool until it breaks. | Completed! |
Rock-Splitting Champ | Hit a rock 8 times in a row. | Completed! |
Bona Fide Bone Finder! | Find a fossil for the first time. | Completed! |
Fossil Assessment | Have fossils assessed by Blathers. | Completed! |
Greedy Weeder | Sell Weeds to Timmy or Tommy. | Completed! |
Flower Power | Plant flowers | Completed! |
Flower Tender | Water flowers | Completed! |
Tomorrow's Trees Today | Plant Trees | Completed! |
Pick of the Bunch | Sell Fruit to Timmy | Completed! |
Fruit Roots | Plant one of each type of fruit: Cherries, Oranges, Pears, Peaches, Apples, and Cocounuts. | Completed! |
Shrubbery Hubbubbery | Plant bushes. | Completed! |
Go Ahead. Be Shellfish! | Sell Seashells to Timmy. | Completed! |
Clam and Collected | Dig up Manila Clams | Completed! |
Trash Fishin' | Fish out trash. | Completed! |
Cast Master | Fish multiple fish in a row without any getting away. | Completed! |
Dream House | Expand your home. | Completed! |
Decorated Decorator | Get an S Ranking from the HHA | Completed! |
Hoard Reward | Fill your house with indoor furniture. | Completed! |
Good Things in Store! | Store stuff in your house. | Completed! |
Remarkable Remodeler | Remodel parts of your house's exterior. | Completed! |
Smile Isle | Do favors for Island Residents. | 3/5 |
Reaction Ruler | Learn new Reactions | Completed! |
Island Shutterbug | Take a picture with the camera app. | Completed! |
Edit Credit | Edit your passport. | Completed! |
NookPhone Life | Use your Nookphone. | Completed! |
That's One Smart Phone | Use your Nookphone 1,000 times. | Completed! |
Shop to it | Buy things with Nook Shopping | Completed! |
Growing Collection | Get items in your Catalog | Completed! |
Nook Miles for Miles! | Finish Nook Miles+ goals. (Next Milestone: 200) | 3/5 |
First-Time Buyer | Buy something for the first time. | Completed! |
Seller of Unwanted Stuff | Sell things you don't want. | Completed! |
Moving Fees Paid! | Pay off the 5,000 Nook Miles you owe. | Completed! |
Bell Ringer | Spend Bells at the Island Shops/Facilities. (Next Milestone: 50,000) | Completed! |
Miles for Stalkholders | Buy turnips. | Completed! |
Cornering the Stalk Market. | Make a large profit from selling turnips. | Completed! |
No More Loan Payments! | Pay off your house completely. | Completed! |
Bulletin-Board Benefit | Write something on the Bulletin Board. | Completed! |
Popular Pen Pal | Send letters. | Completed! |
Flea Flicker | Remove fleas from residents | Completed! |
Cicada Memories | Catch a Cicada Shell | Completed! |
Netting Better! | Catch 5 Wasps in a row without getting stung. | Completed! |
Pit-y Party | Bury a Pitfall Seed | Completed! |
Taking the Sting Out | Faint after getting stung by wasps a second time. | Completed! |
Faint of Heart | Get knocked out by a Tarantula | Completed! |
Overcoming Pitfalls | Fall into a Pitfall | Completed! |
Faked Out! | Donate fake art. | Completed! |
Lost Treasure | Shoot down a balloon and have its present fall in the water. | Completed! |
It's Raining Treasure! | Shoot down Balloon gifts with the slingshot. (Next Milestone: 20) | Completed! |
Fun with Fences | Place 20 Fences | Completed! |
Snowmaestro | Make 20 Perfect Snowboys | 1/3 |
Wishes Come True | Make Wishes on Shooting Stars | Completed! |
Exterior Decorator | Set up furniture outside. | Completed! |
Pink Sea Icons | Set up a town flag and town tune. | Completed! |
Island Designer | Get Terraforming and unlock the Water and Cliff scaping tools. | Completed! |
Wispy Island Secrets | Help out Wisp. | Completed! |
Gulliver's Travels | Help out Gulliver. | Completed! |
K.K. Mania | See K.K. Perform. | 3/5 |
True Patron of the Arts | Buy art from Redd | Completed! |
You Otter Know | Trade Scallops with Pascal | Completed! |
True Friends | Become good friends with Villagers. | Completed! |
Birthday Celebration | Celebrate Villager's birthdays | Completed! |
Happy Birthday! | Celebrate your birthday ingame. | Completed! |
Fishing Tourney! 🐟 | Participate in the Fishing Tourney each season. | Completed! |
Bug-Off! 🦋 | Participate in the Bug-Off each season. | Completed! |
Countdown Celebration | Celebrate New Year's Eve and count down to Midnight! | Completed! |
Making a Change | Change your outfit in a closet. | Completed! |
First Custom Design! | Make a Custom Design in the Custom Design app. | Completed! |
Custom Design Pro! | Make a Pro design! | Completed! |
Paydirt! | Dig up a gold spot. | Completed! |
Shady Shakedown | Find furniture from shaking trees | Completed! |
Golden Milestone | Get each Golden Tool. | Completed! |
Island and Yourland | Visit other Player's islands. | Completed! |
Host the Most | Host other players at your island. | Completed! |
Active Island Resident | For every active day you play. | Completed! |