Fashion Dreamer – Fair #6: Retro Pop Fair!

This has been one of the closest announcements left with just barely 24 hours’ notice. Despite hoping to work on getting more gachapon tickets, I really haven’t had time to work on that so I’m going in having not really played much at all since last time. The only thing I really ended up doing was making an outfit for one of Japan’s exclusive contests for fun.

Regardless, the patch notes have me pretty excited for a few things:

  • Item Box is expanding from 6,000 Items to 9,000 Items – As someone who has already hit the limit again, getting such a big increase is great. I’m excited to finally be able to go through the Lookits I’ve been sent again as well. (Apparently the amount of Muses you can follow are also being increased from 200 to 500. I don’t think I was even close to the maximum, but it’s nice to see considering the amount of Fair tasks that require you to follow other players)
  • You will earn more Gacha Tickets and Gold Coins when making Lookits (An increase from 1-10 to 5-50). That will definitely help with the grind, though, I will admit I rarely use my Gold Coins…
  • Gachapon rates are being adjusted again to make it easier to get higher rarity items.
  • Every time you access Vending Machines now, the items will change rather than it being time-based. I have mixed feelings on this one, but I suppose it’s for the best overall since if you regret not getting more of something, you can easily just keep rotating through again. I just hope the rotation won’t be too bad/possibly be in a set way so I’m not checking for an hour to get one item to show up and it’s MIA for some reason.
  • The biggest thing, however, is that from July onward they will be bringing back older fairs (With June being the last new fair for a while). Honestly, I’m thrilled for people who missed out and those who didn’t, well, more chances to make more colors of items you really liked then. Despite fairs being rerun, they will still include new items monthly as well. They also tease having plans for their 1st Anniversary in November. Whatever that one teaser from months ago now was is still coming soon, but no ETA on when we’ll finally see it. Maybe the Anniversary? I guess we’ll have to see.

Moving onto the Fair itself, it looks like a combination of like some 60’s/70’s Aesthetic with hip hop? While it’s not my style, I like that they are adding more variety. I think my favorite things were two of the tops at the very end– a cute strawberry one that I really hope isn’t only available for B avatars and a Red Vintage top with the phone item. I think that may not actually be new. I can’t keep track of things anymore.

But while this Fair may have not quite grabbed me either, I am pretty excited by items shown as a preview for June’s fair, the final new fair we’ll be getting for a while:

It looks like a really nice Medieval Fantasy theme, and I can’t wait to see what else could be part of it.

Anyway, it starts this evening so the next part of this post will be written after I finish the event…

Well, the update is here (May 15th), but the Fair ended up not starting quite yet. It seems 1.5 requires an extended maintenance and so the update was still two hours off. Regardless, I spent some time trying to grind up some Gachapon tickets in solo mode for now as some of the adjustments were all set to go.

While the ticket situation is definitely better and I can tell rates are better, I still can’t get that pink jacket I want :| Let alone anything from some of the other places. At the very least, I’ll definitely be able to make more attempts as you certainly earn a lot more per rotation.

In the end, besides the maintenance already being longer than usual, the extension ended up being 5-6 hours later than the original time listed. I wasn’t able to stay up that much longer (after already being sick and trying to stay up for hours), so I only finally started the Retro Pop Fair late this morning (May 16th).

For the most part though, it actually went super smoothly. A lot of quicker tasks this time which was nice with only requires to make more outfits for Muses for the extra pattern options. I still kind of wish they were all just one requirement per task though.

As mentioned, there really wasn’t much that stood out to me, but I did make my own versions of the Coat and two versions of the skirt. I’m not sure if I prefer the lighter or darker skirt.

I didn’t expect the 90s Shoujo Anime Eyes though. I think I still like my usual eyes more, but they’re very cute.

I also had fun seeing all the Muses around. The second I made the outfit for and the last is a Character Muse, but I really liked her outfit. And well, I feel like most people know who Miku is at this point.

But the big thing is I FINALLY had some Gachapon luck and got some of the items I’ve been wanting (plus some other nice things).

I did add the Glasses onto one of my mannequins in my Showroom though as neither of them are wearing Face items:

Going back to the Fair rewards, none of the Showroom stuff really stood out to me, but honestly, unless something amazing comes out I just don’t see myself adjusting my Showroom unless we get a bigger one.

I do like some of the new Vertical Photo Egg backdrops though, even if I like… never actually take photos there.

The poses were also pretty cute:

Finally, now that I can get my Lookit Mail again, some of the favorite Outfits I received. Thank you!: