Like usual, I’ll be talking a bit about the announcement of the event going up along with stuff I’ve done since before the Fair goes up tonight.
For a Fairy Tale Fair, I had really hoped to be more excited, but after watching the video, I actually feel a bit let down. Generally, Fairy Tale themes are my jam, but it feels like they took a more mythological take for Type A with a more traditional fantasy attire for Type B and I feel like no matter what, you’ll have people upset and it would’ve been better to have two sets for each? A Dragonic/Mermaid-esque outfit for Set B as well and something more traditional as well for Set A.
I do like the hairstyle, but I’d rather a wavy high ponytail version of it than a low braid. The seashells and pearls in the hair are super pretty though. I’m not a fan of Mermaid-esque dresses (I like my dresses looser/poofy) so even if the decor and sash are pretty, I just do not see myself bothering to wear it as a replacement to anything we currently have. I do like the second color version they previewed at least and it’s probably similar to what I’ll make, but I still won’t really use it, nor do I think it’ll end up in my shop as things currently stand.
The Scale Socks look really pretty, but it’s a situation where I’d rather layer them over something else than use instead of and we can’t layer multiple socks.
Type B has a more traditional looking top and I really would’ve loved a Princess dress in that style, but oh well… It also comes with matching shorts and some really nice tights. Type A gets a new type of Ear Cuff to go with the Scale Socks and Dress.
The Curtsy is probably one of my two favorite things in this. I expect to use that pose a lot. It’s cute how it and the bow match up, but with how the game works, I don’t know how likely it is you will manage to sync it up with someone.
While I don’t care for the wallpaper or flooring, the Jellyfish are so pretty– unfortunately, I do not have room to hang anything. I also love the Seashell Display, but it is very like a 2×2 instead of a 1 space item and while I could maybe find a way to squeeze in a single space item, I absolutely do not have 4 blocks free and this goes back into the previous situation where I can’t be excited for new Decor because unless the Showroom Space is increased (and how much you can display), items will just continue to not be used since I’m not the type of person who updates based off season– I pick something I like and stick with it where the only changes are generally adding to it.
We also got a preview of new gachapon items, though, I don’t think any are my style. It seems like new items may be added to the Vending Machines as well for additional poses.
The final preview was showing some of the upcoming items. Considering the Fairs are supposed to repeat older ones from July onwards, I’m assuming these will be either Gachapon or new Design Rank Patterns. We technically have had a preview of the shoes, skirt, and matching top (which is not shown here) for a while due to some NPCs wearing an orange/rainbow set, but excited they’ll finally be coming out properly and I certainly want the pink set.
With that out of the way, let’s talk about my own playing. To be honest, I haven’t really played since my last post (it’s just been too busy), but I did pop on for a bit before the Fair tonight– Mostly to clean out any Lookits received, fill requests, and just some roaming around for grinding up levels for fun. Especially if I want any gachapon stuff in the future.
And thus, it is time for the new fair! The update was a bit later than usual, but I still was able to get it done tonight. If you’d rather watch the video than read, it’ll be available here as soon as it’s finished processing.
I did spend some time checking out some of the new things, but nothing really stood out to me. It didn’t take long to unlock the new furniture items though and I did my best to make room for the Shell Display. Had to do a lot of shuffling, but I really wish the showroom could be bigger. I also desperately would like an Undo and Undo all option because the number of times I’ve accidentally removed things and had to leave and come back as it would be easier than fixing it is too many to count.

As expected, the outfit isn’t really my taste, but I still made a set with it.

I actually really liked some of the new Photo Spots this time around, despite me not being much of a photo person.

As for the new poses, it’s not really any surprise the Cursty is my favorite. I will say the Balls feel a bit lazy though as while the Basketball poses make sense, the Soccer Ball doesn’t really fit as well to me.

Anyway, finishing this off with a few Lookits I received as usual.

Next month should be a bit calmer, though, knowing me I may try and redo the Fair anyway just for more Keys and Patterns. You can’t really earn the Keys any other way once you get all character unlocks and we’re still not even close to having enough keys to unlock everything.