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A new day had begun with sadly no new announcements. The rain had returned though, after the one Sunny Day I had in ages. I mainly just got all the items I ordered, but I also had a letter from Flurry with a Cartoonist’s Set. I then went into full chore mode to look for my fossils, gather up seashells for selling, and find my bottle recipe of the day: Lucky Gold Cat.
The Floor Lights really added to the music area like I hoped, not that the rain really shows it. I wish I saw Villagers over here.
Kicks was in my town today with some nice stuff too.
Besides that… Nothing really happened. I wish we could ask our villagers for requests or something, but it was relatively quiet for Day 50. I did learn some new recipes today (A Blue Rose Crown from Margie and others from visiting other peoples towns) and also crafted some things for people, but as for my town itself, nothing really happened.
I did adjust the path/pattern around the fountain near my house though to make it easier to walk around. I’m hoping to also organize the flowers in that area soon too.
But like with Videos, I may not continue doing Daily entries unless something big happens ooor do multiple entries over a week instead. Everything just feels so slow right now, sadly :( It’s weird, I felt like I always had a good amount to talk about with New Leaf, but ACNH feels kind of empty at times.
Should I continue doing daily entries?
- Yes! (82%, 9 Votes)
- No, do them weekly. (9%, 1 Votes)
- No, just do some for events/big moments. (9%, 1 Votes)
- No, just do one entry until something significant happens. (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 11

For now, I guess I’ll just stand in the plaza and see if any of my villagers want me to do anything for them…