So, as you may already be aware, the next update that finally brings us Mulan’s Realm will be releasing June 26th– it seems Late Spring became Early Summer. Regardless, they put out the patch notes today so before I get into what I’ve been doing since my last update, I wanted to talk about things that stood out to me from the update itself. In addition to these, I’ll likely also be referencing some of the various teaser videos they shared last week as well (though, I have to say I hate the shorts format so much).
Obviously, the big part content-wise is Mulan’s realm coming. I genuinely really love the realms, so I’m excited for it, but I’m already in a “I have no clue where I will be placing the house for Mulan and Mushu” panic.
The upcoming Star Path also looks great. I can tell there will be a lot of items I’ll want.
We’ll also be getting a new event immediately when the update goes out which I’m not sure entirely how to feel just yet. In all honesty, I’m not really an Inside Out fan– I can’t really explain what bothers me about the movies, but it’s just not my cup of tea I suppose. Regardless, I’m all for more Critters and I hope the event won’t be too bad. They mentioned in one of the videos you earned things by getting parts of a memory each day which I’m a little worried about as trying to find single specific items in the valley has continuously been an issue as more and more things get added.
More codes will also be added to get more Pride-themed items which is pretty nice, but I have to wonder why they didn’t just release them at the start of the month. I feel like it’s unlikely it required something from the new update and even if it did, it could have been a nice teaser for what’s to come.
Also, a new Signature/Dream Bundle which seems to be more like the one that came out for Belle than the ones for WALL-E and Ursula. I do think this is better as I don’t think locking quests is good, but I also don’t think locking behind certain types of skins are good either. I don’t know what Stitch’s will be yet, but if it’s something he prominently showed up in the movie or something, I feel like it’s just kind of a slap in the face to big fans. Ursula’s is still the worst, but at least WALL-E’s outfit was all new so it was just the quest content behind blocked behind a paywall being the main issue.
We also get new daily quests which… Honestly, I already know I hate it. I don’t like dailies in any sense. I do not like being locked to only being able to do a certain number of things a day. I do not like doing the same thing repeatedly. I do not enjoy the grind and rather than getting me to log into a game more, it’s something that ends up burning me out and not wanting to play anymore. Since they mention exchanging for special rewards, I’m guessing it may have a special currency similar to Daisy’s thing or maybe like some tier list thing… I guess we’ll have to see.
Also, more stuff in Scrooge’s shop which the shop works a lot better now, thankfully, but I’m still finding so much trouble placing things now to begin with…
Despite my mixed feelings on new features, all the QoL stuff seems great. Being able to quickly duplicate and item and being able to easily replace all of a path and fence are super nice. I’ve had so much trouble replacing paths, and this is going to make things a lot easier, especially in areas where I wasn’t sure if I wanted to switch or not– I can easily test now.
Very happy about time rifts being made smaller as well when you don’t have the Hourglass equipped. They’ve been so annoying and I’m genuinely tired of seeing them.
That pretty much sums up my thoughts on new stuff so now let’s get to everything I’ve been doing since my last post!
For the most part though, I’ve just been doing adjustments. Things like adding the Expansion flowers to my little garden as them being mostly 1 tile meant they could fit and positioning stuff differently so it would look less static.

I also placed more of the new items around.

Still kind of… disappointed with the Wonderland fountain. I think it’d be cuter if it was smaller.
Plus added some of the new stuff to the little Museum Room. If you’re wondering why there is a Potato Bag, it’s supposed to be the Yellow Egg bag but it looks like a Potato bag when placed for some reason?? Likely just a graphic-based bug.

As per usual, I also did my best with the Dreamsnaps, though, I did actually forget to enter one week… It’s just been so crazy lately. I feel pretty bad about it.

I did get a few of the new Premium Shop items. I still can’t really do much permanent placement with the rides, but I like that we can ride them now.

My favorite new Premium Shop item though is the Remy Fountain! But unfortunately, it only actually flows if you interact with it which is really disappointing…

Anyway, that sums up what I’ve been doing since. I’m going to finish organizing and making sure I’m all prepared and ready for the update on Wednesday!